Table of Contents 2010-2019
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Alfred Kazin and Norman Podhoretz,
portraits by Jules Chametzky
Psalm of Leah, a poem by Diane Gilliam
My Soul, a poem by John Allman
Shadows on Jeweled Glass, a story by Juan José Saer,
translated by Jim Hicks
Spreading Ash, a poem by Sandra Meek
Ex-Wives, a poem by Ira Sadoff
Saffron, an essay by Robert Kostuck
Comida tipica, a story by Mei Li Ooi
From Le Spleen de Poughkeepsie,
a poem by Joshua Harmon
The Atheists Club, a story by Philip Kobylarz
Jackpot, a story by Kelly Luce
Minnie Driver, a story by Amy Weingartner
Crazy in Love (Women and Shoes),
an essay by Cynthia Lewis
Dinner Party, a story by Sarah French
What I learned in Art School, a
n essay by Joy Manesiotis
Melinda Interviews, a poem by Mike Michaels
Mother’s Bartok, a poem by Frannie Lindsay
Building, an essay by Michelle Disler
Insulatus, an essay by Zachary Watterson
Your People’s Ways, a story by Jane E. Martin
Polaroids of Tom, an essay by Burlee Vang
A Kingdom Comes, a story by Nance Van Winckel
Waiting for Solomon, a story by Susi Wyss
Everything and Nowhere: A Quest for Tango
in Buenos Aires, an essay by Paige Boncher
The Approximate Placement of the Sun,
a story by Lauren Foss Goodman
Little Stick, a poem by Anne Marie Macari
Time and Language: The Trials of a Philosophical Tourist,
an essay by Frederic Will
Pantoum of the Brothel of Ruin,
a poem by Patrick Donnelly
The Nutcracker’s Overbite, a story by Peter Moore
A Man from the Lord, a poem by Kirun Kapur
Beer, a poem by Lee Upton
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Decomposition of the Soul, No Complaint Book,
and Divine Caress, poems by Rosa Alice Branco,
translated by Alexis Levitin
The Sound of Water, a story by Myriam J.A.Chancy
On the Training of Expert Witnesses,
a poem by G.C. Waldrep
On Cape Cod, an essay by Michael Thurston
Calypso, a poem by Cleopatra Mathis
I Thought It’s Time and Diana,
poems by Jean Valentine
Proof, a poem by Barbara Perez
Helen and Jose Iglesias, portraits by Jules Chametzky
Having It All, an essay by Robert Erwin
“Union of the Beautiful with the Useful”:
Through the Eyes of Orra White Hitchcock,
an essay by Daria D’Arienzo
Orra White Hitchock Folio,
art by Orra White Hitchcock
Mercy Flynt Morris and Nancy Flynt:
A Portrait of Two Massachusetts Sisters
in the Early Republic, an essay by Jessica Lang
As if the sky..., a poem by Gary Young
Ode to the Boulders in the Orchard,
a poem by Teddy Macker
Guests, a story by James Meyer
Against the Dying, a story by Wilson Roberts
Toni Morrison, the Slave Narratives, and Modernism,
an essay by Robin Dizard
Big Sister, a story by Edith Pearlman
Bulls-eye, a poem by Joanne Dominique Dwyer
Adrienne Rich, Anne Halley, Marilyn Hacker,
portraits by Jules Chametzky
Dear Words, a poem by Stephen Lindow
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
The Way to Smith College, a poem by Ko Un,
translated by Lee Sang-Wha
Whacked, a poem by C.K. Williams
Holy Terror, a story by Takahashi Takako,
translated by Amanda C. Seaman
A Boundless Void, a story by Takahashi Takako,
translated by Amanda C. Seaman
A Womb of One’s Own: Takahashi Takako’s
Women Apart, an afterword by Amanda C. Seaman
Hungry Moon, a poem by Henrietta Goodman
17 Movements in Spring, a poem by David Welch
Celebration in the Season of Nettles,
a poem by Liliana Ursu, translated by Liliana Ursu,
Adam J.Sorkin and Tess Gallagher
Accomplice to Memory, a story by Q.M. Zhang
In a half-mile, the highways cross...,
a poem by Tomas Venclova, translated by Rimas Uzgiris
Afterlife and Snow and the Wolves, poems by
Stanislaw Borokowski, translated by Chris Michalski
Victorians (III) and Called, poems by Donald Revell
The Lover of a Subversive Is Also a Subversive:
Colonialism and the Poetry of Rebellion in
Puerto Rico, an essay by Martín Espada
Ten Years Apprenticeship in the Republic of
Carnivorous Loves, a poem by Kara Candito
Fata Morgana, a poem by André Breton,
translated by David Lenson and A.F. Moritz
Monkey Spinning a Prayer Wheel,
a poem by Lisa Bellamy
The Bridge Named Desire, a story by Dario Dzamonja,
translated by Aleksandar Brezar
Transatlantic Mail, by Miljenko Jergovic and Semezdin
Mehmedinovic, translated by Una Tanovic
Risk, a poem by Katherine Larson
Pap, a poem by Carolyn Creedon
Gender’s Waiting Room, a poem by Athena N. Edmonds
Zouhira, a story by Haim Isaacs
Starving Horse, a poem by Doug Ramspeck
Am I a Redundant Human Being?, a novel excerpt
by Mela Hartwig, translated by Kerri A. Pierce
Selections from The Life and Memoirs of Doctor Pi
and Other Stories, stories by Edgar Bayley,
translated by Emily Toder
My Week with Bogdan, a graphic story by Summer McClinton
The Gospel of the Gospel, a poem by Michael Chitwood
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
This Morning the Small Bird Brought a Message
from the Other Side, a poem by Aracelis Girmay
Bird, a poem by Gretchen Primack
Tamara, a poem by Izet Sarajlic,
translated by Jim Hicks
Joseph Brodsky, a portrait by Jules Chametzky
Somewhere Near the Beginning of the Match,
a story by Abdourahman A. Waberi,
translated by Carolyn Shread
We Will Win the World Cup 2010,
a story by Alain Mabanckou,
translated by Helen Dickinson
The Clan of Ali Babas, a story by Ananda Devi,
translated by Florentine Bambara and Jim Hicks
It Takes Two Hands to Clap, a story by Fatima Rashid
Isaac Bashevis Singer, a portrait by Jules Chametzky
How to Become a So-Called Caribbean Woman Writer:
A User’s Manual, an essay by Maryse Condé,
translated by Dawn Fulton
Most at Rest, a story by Eson Kim
American Girl, a poem by Kimalisa Kaczinski
The Inside Scoop, a story by Phyllis Rudin
Wonder Spot, an essay by Krista Eastman
From The Scale of Maps,
a novel excerpt by Belén Gopegui,
translated by Mark Shafer
Just a Rumor, art by Anna Schuleit
Hagar before the Occupation, Hagar After
the Occupation, poems by Amal al-Jubouri,
translated by Rebecca Gayle Howell and Husam Qaisi
Fucking the Mermaid, a story by Matthew Eck
Mautam, a story by David Yost
How Wars Begin, a poem by Izet Sarajlic,
translated by Jim Hicks
Panel on Borderland, a poem by Eric Weinstein
Saul Bellow, a portrait by Jules Chametzky
Moriah, a poem by Collier Nogues
We Whistled While We Worked, a story by Gary Amdahl
When I Lived with a Stalinist in the Village,
a poem by Colette Inez
Quiet Evening, a poem by Jennifer Habel
Letters from Salinger, an essay by Deirdre Bonifaz
The Republic of Mania, a poem by Jane Barnes
Attic, a poem by Michael Snediker
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
I. travel logs
The Safari, an essay by Amy Leach
The Nubian Vultures Have the Floor,
a poem by Aimé Césaire,
translated by A. James Arnold and Clayton Eshleman
Howling, a poem by Aimé Césaire,
translated by A. James Arnold and Clayton Eshleman
Periplus, a story by Sabina Murray
Babel Diary, a poem by Brian Culhane
Helvetian Freedoms, a story by Quim Monzó,
translated by Peter Bush
At the Checkpoint to Sleep, a poem by Henk Rossouw
Cowboy, a story by Kim Chinquee
Boundary 5 (Warheads), a poem by Salgado Maranhão,
translated by Alexis Levitin
Resuming the Count, an essay by Mike Freeman
Mourning I, a poem by Bruce Snider
Something Flown, a poem by Patty Crane
More Than You Know, artwork by Whitfield Lovell
with essay by Kevin Quashie
II. memento mori
You, A Shadow, a poem by Heather Madden
On Indian Road, a poem by Meena Alexander
Lines on the Wall, a story by Pravinsinh Chavda,
translated by Mira Desai
En Route to Bangladesh, Another Crisis of Faith,
a poem by Tarfia Faizullah
Parting Words, an essay by John Nelson
Tenacity, an essay by Douglas Bauer
A Final Brooklyn, a story by Brion Dulac
Thifting, a poem by Angela Sorby
III. le parti pris des choses
The Song of the Railroad Crossing Barrier,
a story by Otar Dovzhenko,
translated by Patrick Corness
Tesla, Portrait Among the Masks,
a novel excerpt by Vladimir Pisˇtalo,
translated by Ellen Elias-Bursac
Report from Computerville:
Virtual Walkabouts and Master Narratives,
an essay by Larry Owens and Dominique
La Mono Nagra: An Analog Tale,
an essay by Luke Jaeger
Mistaken, a poem by Charlotte Boulay
IV. illuminations
Mystical, Dawn, Flowers, and Common Nocturne,
four poems from Illuminations by Arthur Rimbaud,
translated by John Ashbery
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
SNCC, the Struggle, and the W.E.B. DuBois
Department: An Introduction for Charles E. Cobb, Jr.,
and Judy Richardson, by Ekwueme Michael Thelwell
Black in Different Colors,
an essay by Charles E. Cobb, Jr.
Womanpower and SNCC, an essay by Judy Richardson
Por Bem, a poem by Elizabeth Hoover
The Fates, a poem by Maxine Scates
Upon Hearing a Child Call You Old,
a poem by Samantha Thornhill
Estranged, a story by Charles Lamar Phillips
1 Corinthians 13, a poem by Spencer Reece
Before Bees, a poem by Marina Hope Wilson
Shift, a poem by Aubrey Lenahan
Litany: Four Men, a story by Christine Sneed
For Major General Abner Doubleday,
poems by Jack Spicer
Banana, an essay by Eleanor Stanford
Mí Encanta Panama, a story by Robert Kostuck
The Virgin of Candelaria, a story by Ruth Taylor
Borges, Blind, Gives, a poem by Elena Karina Byrne
Prosthesis, or The Metamorphosis,
and Once Upon a Time, a King...,
stories by Vittorio Marchis, translated by Jim Hicks
The Republic of Curtis, a story by Urban Waite
Grozny, a story by David Torres,
translated by Daniel Nevarez
House Afire, a poem by Dennis Finnell
How to Survive on Canned Peaches,
an essay by Nicole Walker
Combing Through the Trash: Philosophy
Goes Rummaging, an essay by Elizabeth V. Spelman
Motherhood, a poem by Adrian Blevins
The Monkeys, a poem by Stacey Waite
The North African – Middle East Uprisings
from Tunisia to Libya, an essay by Herbert P. Bix
Protecting States or Protecting Civilians:
The Case for R2P, an essay by Jon Western
A New Egypt, a declaration by
The Youth Coalition of the Egyptian Anger Revolt
Introduction, by Kevin Bowen and Jim Hicks
“Here is what the mind does,”
a poem by Fred Marchant
A Poem about War, a poem by Gheysar Aminpoor, translated by Maryam Ghodrati
Liberation Square, an essay by Juan Goytisolo,
translated by Peter Bush
Horses, a poem by Brian Turner
Endangered, a story by Eduardo Halfon,
translated by Anne McLean
Down to the Crossroads: An Iraq War Story,
an essay by Charles M. Sennott,
photographs by Richard Sennott
from Love in a Time of War,
poems by Yusef Komunayakaa
from Soviet Computer, an essay by Semezdin Mehmedinović,
translated by Una Tanović
Two Soldiers, Two Tours, Two Countries,
Two Wars, oral histories by Elise Tripp
I Was There, a poem by Fady Joudah
Beirut, August 1982, a poem by Ghassan Zaqtan,
translated by Fady Joudah
Your Village, a poem by Elana Bell
Portfolio, visual art by Dan Witz, Michelle Dizon,
Anna Schuleit, Sarah Bliss, and Faith Wilding
Walk with Us, a story by Askold Melnyczuk
Something Like a Soul, an essay by Doug Anderson
Last Love, a story by Deena Linett
Black October, Bloody Sunday,
an essay by Jen Marlowe
Home/Front, a poem by Philip Metres
Tomorrow, a poem by Christopher Merrill
Old Men and Their Grandchildren,
a story by Dubravka Ugrešić,
translated by Celia Hawkesworth
Collective Memory in Action (and in Motion),
an essay by Nora Strejilevich
from Sloboština Barbie, a novel by Maša Kolanović,
translated by Andrea Milanko and Ulvija Tanović
Air Aria, a poem by Philip Metres
from The Day before Happiness,
a novel by Erri De Luca, translated by Michael Moore
A Man, a story by Evelio Rosero,
translated by Anne McLean
and Anna Milsom
Faces and Names, an essay by Tracy Wilkinson
Street Smarts, an essay by Taylor Stoehr
Telemetry, a poem by Laren McClung
They Steal Your Sweat, an essay by David Rabe
A Postcard from the Underworld,
a poem by Sinan Antoon
Scenes from an Illicit War,
an illustrated essay by Josh Neufeld and Martha Rosler
One Message Leading to Another,
an essay by John Berger
Not Going to Hanoi, a poem by Sam Hamill
White Magic for Gioviano, an essay by Ruth Kennedy,
introduction by Martin Antonetti, afterword by Nina Antonetti
Singing Grass, a story by Ly Lan,
translated by Ly Lan and Kevin Bowen
from La Grande, a novel by Juan José Saer,
translated by Steve Dolph
My Manhattan, When I Got Down to the Burning,
and You with Me inside You, poems by Robert Dow
War Chatter: Collage, an essay by Donald Anderson
[white paper #8], a poem by Martha Collins
from The Unintended, a novel by Gina Apostol
Quitter’s Rose, a poem by Fred Marchant
None of Us Belonged There, an oral history by Dick Hughes
and Christian G. Appy
Mea Leah, a collective remembrance by Mary Kay Magistad,
Mila Rosenthal, Boreth Sun, David Rohde, Chris Gunness,
and Kofi Annan
Trauma Market, a poem by Adisa Bašić,
translated by Una Tanović
In Harm’s Way: Brain Injuries in War,
an essay by Susan R. Barry
Excerpts from a Journal for English 183,
an essay by Matthew Thompson
Continuum, a poem by Jack Haley
Copley Square Blues, a poem by Roy Scranton
The Morally Injured, an essay by Tyler Boudreau
After the War, a poem by Christine Dumaine Leche
Gulf War: Portrait of the Artist as a Refugee,
an essay by Wafaa Bilal and Kari Lydersen,
with art by Summer McClinton
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Kafeteria, Norman Riding, and Hotel Wellesley,
poems by Gerald Stern
The Red and the Black: Victor Serge’s Russian Heritage, Part One, an essay by Richard Greeman
Ode to Sleeping in My Clothes,
a poem by Ross Gay
We May Just Forget to Die: Patrick Leigh Fermor,
a story by Margot Demopoulos
If I Were to Tell You,
a poem by Breyten Breytenbach
The Unbearable Lightness of Not Being There,
a story by Steven Schwartz
Blue Village, a poem by Betsy Sholl
Sterling Brown, Past and Present
an essay by Phil Richards
Bone’s Blues, a story by Colin Fleming
Bad Mediator, a poem by Doug Anderson
Craft as Conduit, an essay by Carol Moldaw
A Measure, a poem by Carol Moldaw
Jacob and His Friends Work Out the Difference
Between Post and Modern, an essay by Jacob Paul
Sailing through Cassiopeia, a poem by Dan Gerber
Chrome & Oranges, a poem by Kevin Miller
Lessons in Romanian, an essay by Lenore Myka
Williamsburg 2000: Reflections on the Colonial Artist,
an essay by Matt Ashby
Roadside Albania, an essay by Jefferson Hunter
Forged, a poem by Maya Smith Janson
Bite the Hand, a poem by Catherine Morocco
The Naked Days, a poem by Melanie McCabe
Create in Me a Clean Heart, a poem by Lisa Ampleman
What Comes Through These Walls,
a story by Dario Sulzman
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
The first Translation, a poem by Steven Reese
The Cellar, a story by Sarah Gerkensmeyer
Restoration, a story by Lawrence Raab
The Sirens, a poem by Lawrence Raab
Borges & I, a story by Karen Tei Yamashita
Black Guy, Bald Guy, a story
by Steve Davenport
The Thing about Thugs, a novel excerpt
by Tabish Khair
Facts on the Ground, a novel excerpt
by Benjamin Hollander
Mary, a poem by Hannah Fries
Harmonic, a poem by anne Shaw
Scars, a story by Charles Haverty
For I Am the Sea, a poem
by Anzhelina Polonskaya, translated
from Russian by Andrew Wachtel
Over the Earth, a poem by Brian Komei Dempster
Europa 2, a story by Barbara Pumhösel, translated
from Italian by Victoria Offredi Poletto
and Giovanna Bellesia-Contuzzi
Grief, a poem by Adrienna Su
Leaving, a story by Susan Volchok
The Golden Peacock Has Flown, a poem
by Anna Margolin, translatted
from Yiddish by Maia Evrona
You Should Pity Us Instead, a story by Amy Gustine
In a Landscape:LXIX, a poem by John Gallaher
Kitchen Door, a poem by Caroline Randall Williams
In the Beautiful Static of Winter, a poem
by Alessandra Lynch
The Catch-and-Release Man, a story
by Jennifer Wisner Kelly
Munson House, a poem by Christopher Todd Matthews
Victor Serge's Russian Heritage, Part Two:
Vera Podorovskaya abd the Feminist Intelligentsia,
an essay by Richard Greeman
A Delicate Cowboy, a poem by Dave Neilson
On the Dream Within a Dream, an essay
by Andrei Krasnyashykh, trasnlated
from the Russian by Tanya Paperny
Istiraha Café, a story by Ezer Vierba
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
They Speak of Race, Paw on Your Lap, and
In War Time, poems by Alicia Ostriker
Playing France, a story by Lindsay Sproul
After a Stroke, My Mother Imagines She
Is Bathsheba Thinking of King David,
a poem by Tom Daley
The Seventh Day, a poem by Roya Zarrin translated
from Farsi by Kaveh Bassiri
A New World of Love, an essay by Laure Katsaros
The Invasion, a story by Muriel Rukeyser
See It, Don't, a poem by Jessica Young
Narrative with a Green Sky, a poem
by Jennifer Luebbers
The News at His Back, an excerpt from
Thinner than Skin by Uzma Khan
F., a story by Giulio Mozzi, translated
from Italian by Elizabeth Harris
Two Poems by Jean François Bory, translated
from French by M. Kasper
Demerol, Demerol, Benzedrine, Schnaps,
a story by Jen Fawkes
Girls, She Falcons, Be Thin: Let Us Work Ourselves
Asleep Agaist You, a poem by Kathy Davis
Blue Heron, with Black-Snake, a poem by Luke Johnson
Summer Problem, a story by Lia Purpura
Jerome Liebling Memorial, June 10, 2012,
an essay by Alan Trachtenberg
Myth and History: Victor Serge's Russian Heritage
Part Three: Deceit and Denial,
an essay by Richard Greeman
On Tender Hooks, a story by Carissa Halston
Transmigration, a poem by Jenna Le
The Squirrel in Tank 12, a poem by Matthew Brady Klitsch
Reasons for Return, a story by Heather Bryant
Van Gogh's Olive Orchard, a poem James Magorian
from The Deviil Be Familiar, a play by Lucy Marx
from Song 18, a poem by Derek Henderson
Laughing, a poem by Mark Irwin
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Relentless Usurpation of Temporal Linearity,
a poem by Dara Wier
Saddling the Sorry Ass of Self,
a story by Gary Amdahl
Laughing Creek, a poem by John Ashbery
The Woman of Porto Pim,
a story by Antonio Tabucchi,
translated from Italian by Tim Parks
Klingon Confidential,
a novel excerpt by Mandy Keifetz
Leave Me Hidden, a poem by Franz Wright
Black Site (Exhibit I), a poem by Philip Metres
Lizard Juice, a story by David Hancock
Good Form, an essay by Michelle Valois
A Gathering Storm,
an essay by Mark O'Connor
Occupations, a story by Andrew Fox
First Born, a poem by Sarah Gambito
The Abduction Narrative,
a poem by Aimée Baker
Baby Talk, a story by Kristie Letter
New Poems,
nine new poems by James Tate
Monitor, a story by Dana Cann
If grief is the cup, a poem by Carol Ann Davis
Snapshots, a poem by Warren Slesinger
Edith Under the Streetlight,
a story by Rachel Swearingen
Giving Shelter to the Homeless, a story
by Mercedes Cebrián translated
from Spanish by Ben Van Wyke
A letter from Paul Éluard
who is in Cadaqués with Salvador Dali, to his wife
a poem by Anna Piwkowska translated
from Polish by Iza Wojciechowska
In the Good Old Summertime, a poem
by Deborah Bogen
Civil Disobedience: A Question of Institutional
Involvement, an essay by Kim Townsend
Living On, a poem by Richard Jackson
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
The Princess Doctrine, a story by Chris Bachelder
The Darker Powers and Correction,
poems by Carl Phillips
The Waiting Stool, a story by Jekwu Anyaegbuna
For Second Lieutenant J. Wesley Rosenquest,
a poem by Thomas Lux
Literary Imagination and Living History,
an essay by Sabina Murray
Godzilla versus the Smog Monster,
a story by Lucy Corin
Ghazal, a poem by Adam Scheffler
Displaced Persons, an essay by J. Malcolm Garcia
The Translator I and The Translator II,
poems by Polina Barskova, Translated from Russian
by Catherine Ciepiela
Sisyphus’s Wife, a poem by Pavel Šrut,
translated from Czech by Deborah Garfinkle
Adhesion, an essay by Pete Duval
Oil Rises, a novel excerpt by Hilary Plum
Peau, a poem by Gillian Cummings
Grete, Florida, 1978, a poem by Molly Spencer
The Clock Hands of a Child,
a poem by Christopher Watkins
Grand Jury, a story by Rebecca Powell Lartigue
Ask an Expert, a story by Christine Sneed
Crow, a poem by CJ Evans
The Apartment, a story by Yoojin Grace Wuertz
The Lost Meadows of Northampton,
an essay by David Fleming
Christ in a Ditch, a poem by Laura Koritz
Nothing Went to Waste,
an essay by J. Malcolm Garcia
Silk Road, a poem by Peter Balakian
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Ode to the Great Wall in the Fog, a poem by Pablo Neruda, translated from Spanish by Ilan Stavans
The Transparency of Evil, a story by Francesc Serés,
translated from Catalan by Peter Bush
Culmitzsch, a poem by Lutz Seiler,
translated from German by Alexander Booth
San Luis el Brujo, Part One, a story by Gary Amdahl
History and Myth, a poem by Shara McCallum
The Goat, a poem by Michael Bazzett
“So A’Feared Of” See Also,
photographs by Thomas Sayers Ellis
Who are not, but could be, an essay by Kelly Clancy
What a Woman Knows, a poem by David Thacker
The Kulak’s Son, a novel excerpt from Ron Kubati,
translated from Italian by Yvonne Freccero
The Arc of Memory and the Arc of Justice,
an essay by Max Page
Tears in Reverse, a poem by Marianne Boruch
Rise Up, Beloved, a story by John Goulet
The Selected Works of Alessandro Pope,
a story by Elvis Bego
As the Fool, a poem by Matthew Reed Corey
Fires, Ashes, Forgetfulness and Beauty Untamed,
poems and essays by Juan Goytisolo,
translated from Spanish by Peter Bush
Hand in Glove, a story by Vedran Husić
Morning Rituals, a poem by Nora Hickey
Plenty, a story by Katherine L. Hester
Holes, a poem by Judith Berke
Jack and the Skunk, a story by Jessica Scalise
The Bargain, a poem by Nathaniel Bellows
Night Man, nonfiction by Bill Pitts
Pig on Grass, a story by Kim T’ae-yong,
translated from Korean by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton
Ode to Ironing, a poem by Pablo Neruda,
translated from Spanish by Ilan Stavans
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
W. E. B. Du Bois, A Gathering
A Negro Student at Harvard at the End of the
19th Century, an essay by W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois: A Personal Memoir,
an essay by John Hope Franklin
Du Bois's Crisis and Woman's Suffrage,
an essay by Jean Fagan Yellin
W. E. B. Du Bois's Dusk of Dawn and
James Yates's Mississippi to Madrid,
an essay by Kathryne V. Lindberg
Notes from the Underworld: Dostoevsky,
Du Bois, and the Discovery of Ethnic Soul,
an essay by Dale E. Peterson
Du Bois in His Time (and Ours),
an essay by Ekwueme Michael Thelwell
Du Bois in Our Time, A Portfolio
Art by Radcliffe Bailey, Mary Evans, Brendan Fernandes,
LaToya Ruby Frazier, Julie Mehretu, Ann Messner,
Jefferson Pinder, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Mickalene Thomas,
and Carrie Mae Weems
Meditation on Skin, a poem by Karen An-Hwei Lee
My Last Love Poem for a Crackhead, #23,
What I Mean When I Say Farmhouse, and
Divorce Means, three poems by Geffrey Davis
Selections from Crank Shaped Notes,
lyric prosisms by Thomas Sayers Ellis
Tiny Women, a poem by Martha Collins
Inlaw, a posm by Tara Bray
San Luis el Brujo, Part Two, a story by Gary Amdahl
dang tou bang he : this is a timely warning,
a poem by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingde
Of Useless Knowledge, a poem by Margaret Russotto,
translated by Peter Kahn
Triptych, a poem by Andrew Nurkin
Mourning Pictures and Magic Glasses, Part One,
an essay by Elzabeth Young
From Her Deathbed Harriet Bailey Chronicles the
Fifth and Final Trek to Her Son Frederick Douglass,
a poem by Adam Tavel
Notes on Contributors
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
Kenmore Square, 1968, a poem by Adrian C. Louis
The Doer of Things We Dreamed of Doing:
Big Papi and the Lost Year of 2012, an essay by Martín Espada
Anna Grace, a poem by Rebecca Cook
“All the Things One Wants”: John Ashbery’s French Translations,
an essay by Rosanne Wasserman and Eugene Richie
I will look at. . ., a poem by Pascalle Monnier,
translated from French by John Ashbery
From Real Location and Theatre, poems by Yves Bonnefoy,
translated from French by John Ashbery
The Einaudi Primer, an essay by Guido Davico Bonino,
translated from Italian by Yvonne Freccero
Notes for a Book Series on Moral Investigation,
an essay by Italo Calvino, translated from Italian by Jim Hicks
Mercies, a poem by Melanie McCabe
Mourning Pictures and Magic Glasses, Part Two,
an essay by Elizabeth Young
Meat, a story by Pete Duval
October, a poem by Andres Rojas
Mercy, a story by Anna Lidia Vega Serova,
translated from Spanish by Jacqueline Loss
After the Witch, a poem by Amy Woolard
That Delicious Word, a poem by Lynn Domina
The Red Veil, a story by Violet Kupersmith
The Engineers, a story by Rebecca Rukeyser
Adolescence, a poem by Yehudit Heller,
translated from Hebrew by Sabina Murray with the poet
House of Footfalls, a poem by Alice B. Fogel
San Luis el Brujo, Part Three, a story by Gary Amdahl
The Adventures of Mrs. Ema, a story by Federico Falco,
translated from Spanish by Sarah Viren
Monday, a poem by Benny Anderson, translated by Michael Goldman
House of Footfalls, a poem by Alice B. Fogel
To You Who Lost Your Father and The Dead Man Returns Disguised
as a Tour Guide to an Improvised Reenactment of His Own Demise,
poems by Sebastian Matthews
The Fusiform Face Area, a story by Eugene Dubnov,
translated from Russian by Justin Lumley and the author
Horseshoe Crabs and the Sargasso Sea, an essay by Paul R. Hundt
Lust, at your Age, a poem by Kurt Heinzelman
Moscow 2013: Reveries of a Solitary Walker,
an essay by Geneviève Piron, translated from French by Jay Milton
Notes on Contributors
Introduction, by John Emil Vincent
Big Little and If Only, poems by Marianne Boruch
Scavenger, an essay by Corwin Ericson
What is the name of this? What is this word the name of?,
I lose my temper and find it again and keep it better,
and Caesar’s “Gallic War,” poems by Lesley Yalen
Underground, Dead Drop, and Spook,
stories by Jedediah Berry
an oh a sky a fabric an undertow,
a poem by Gillian Conoley
Stories to Go, poems by Lesle Lewis
Cuba Hill Diary, a story by James Haug
Poem for a Vial of Nameless Perfume,
a poem by Matthew Zapruder
The Incident at Villedeau, a story by Valerie Martin
Ráfe Laudïan, a poem by Rachel B. Glaser
Siasalem, a poem by Brian Baldi
Cable, a story by Hilary Plum
The Natural World, a poem by Emily Toder
Laika, Emily, Jewel Casket, and Hunger Artist,
stories and art by Mira Bartók
That was the summer, Wakeful, my eyes seething,
and The way we left, poems by Ellen Doré Watson
The Extent of the Shock is Equivalent
to the Rate of the Flow, an essay by Douglas Whynott
Plate Neatly Broken, a poem by Heather Christle
from The White Devil, a novel excerpt by Domenic Stansberry
Marsyas, a poem by Lee Upton
Notes on Contributors
Introduction by Michael Thurston
We All Fall Down, a poem by Tony Barnstone
The Last Great Cause, foreword by Cary Nelson
Translating the Spanish Civil War:
Langston Hughes's Transnational Poetics,
an essay by Evelyn Scaramella
A Little DIalogue between the Poet and the Revolution,
a poem by Rafael Alberti, translated by Langston Hughes
Frente, a poem by José Moreno Villa,
translated by Langston Hughes
Things and Lost Things: Nancy Cunard's Spanish
Civil War Scrapbook, an essay by Anne Donlon
Imagining Spain: Charles Yale Harrison's
Meet Me on the Barricades, an essay by
Emily Robins Sharpe and Bart Vautour
From Meet Me on the Barricades,
a novel excerpt by Charles Yale Harrison
Elegy, a poem by Lev Rubinstein,
translated by Philip Metres and Tatiana Tulchinsky
The Once and Future Capital, a story by Emily Barton
The Waters of Time, The Delivery, and War of
the Clowns, stories by Mia Couto, translated by
Eric M.B. Becker
Interrogation, a poem by Arne Weingart
Friday Was the Bomb, nonfiction by Nathan Deuel
The Front Line, nonfiction by J. Malcolm Garcia
Drawings and Prints, art by Rabéa Ballin
Separation, a poem by Shez, translated by
Elliot batT'zedek
My Tape-Recorder Ear, an interview with Tillie Olsen
by Robin Dizard
Amor Vincit Omnia, a poem by Richie Hofmann
In Extremis, a poem by Christopher Munde
Things Unspoken, a story by Sara Nović
Aphasic, a poem by Erika Wilder
Undertow, a story by Victoria Lancelotta
Person in Water, a poem by Claudia Monpere
Alpha Centauri, a poem by Nicole DiCello
Dead Ringer, a story by Laura Hartenberger
A Brief History of Dance, a poem by Jeff McRae
To L., After Parting Again, a poem by Donald Morrill
Trousseau, a poem by Kara Van de Graaf
Masks, a story by bruce Lawder
The Girls Are Sleeping, a poem by Antonina Palisano
Notes on Contributors
Introduction by Jim Hicks
Sarra Copia Falsely Accused of Heresy in the Year 1621
and Dark House on the Mountain: Sarra Copia Writes
to Me in the Year 2014, poems by Meena Alexander
The Factory, a novel excerpt by Ricardo Piglia,
translated by Sergio Waisman
Omnisciens, a story by Julie Lekstrom Himes
The Death of André Breton, Because of Bears,
and Gizzard Song, poems by Dean Young
The Circle, a story by Antonio Tabucchi,
translated by Martha Cowley and Antonio Romani
The End of Brother Black, a story by Galsan Tschinag,
translated by Katharina Rout
Trinket-Shine and Her Moods Caused Owls,
poems by Sarah Sousa
What's So Funny?, a poem by Richard Michelson
Half a Queen, a story by Jim Walke
Settlement, a story by Debbie Urbanski
Always Together, a poem by Henry FInch
A Place of Their Own, a story by Robert L. King
Doll's Dress and That Pretty, poems by Joel Long
Telling the Time with Emily Dickinson,
an essay by Peggy O'Brien
Lovers Under Lilies—Marc Chagall,
a poem by Claudia Roquette-Pinto,
translated by Taryn Gilbert
Rake's Congress, a story by Mateiu Caragiale,
translated by Sean Cotter
Dream of the Rood, a poem by Rebecca Foust
Searching for a Head in NIgeria,
an essay by Roger Atwood
lullaby, a poem by G.C. Waldrep
Nehil'im, a poem by Hilene Flanzbaum
Notes on Contributors
Introduction, by Anna Botta and Michel Moushabeck
Being Medit, a poem by Erri De Luca,
translated by Jim Hicks
The Country, a story by Francesc Serés,
translated by Peter Bush
Beit and Liturgy, poems by Nathalie Handal
It’s Worthwhile Remaining a Tel Aviv Citizen
on the Bank of the Yarkon River,
a poem by Ortsion Bartana
Riding the Babel on Wheels, an essay by Igiaba Scego,
translated by Giovanna Bellesia-Contuzzi and
Victoria Offredi Poletto
For My Next Illusion I Will Use Wings,
three stories by Alex Epstein
Story of the Olive Tree, a poem by Sharif S. Elmusa
Looking at a Donkey, poems by James Sacré,
translated by David Ball
Distance, a poem by Maya Abu-Alhayyat,
translated by Fady Joudah
Tempted by Nothing, a poem excerpt by Adonis,
translated by Khaled Mattawa
Love from Afar, a libretto by Amin Maalouf,
translated by Patricia E. Frederick
The Inheritance of Marie Saulnier,
an essay by Laure Katsaros
Photographs, photographs and text by Vanessa Winship
The Story of La Florida, a novel excerpt by Laila Lalami
Cell, a poem by Maria Grech Ganado
The Ringing Bones, a poem by Giuseppe Bonaviri,
translated by Stephen Campiglio
Allah’s Christians, a novel excerpt by Massimo Carlotto,
translated by Yvonne Freccero
The Journeys of ’A’bdi, known as Son of Hamriya,
a novel excerpt by Abdelrahim Lahbibi,
translated by Mbarek Sryfi
A Rare Blue Bird That Flies with Me,
a novel excerpt by Youssef Fadel,
translated by Charis Bredin
Tashari, a novel excerpt by Inaam Kachachi,
translated by Roger Allen
Frankenstein in Baghdad,
a novel excerpt by Ahmed Saadawi,
translated by Jonathan Wright
from The Shell, novel excerpts by Moustafa Khalifé,
translated by Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp
from Walls of Freedom: Street Art of the
Egyptian Revolution
Repatriation: A Libya Memoir, an essay by Khaled Mattawa
Do We Need to Understand, a poem by Gökçenur Ç.,
translated by the author and Robyn Marsack
The Old Woman from the Mountains,
a story by Leïla Sebbar, translated by Dawn Fulton
To Netanyahu, a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye
Dale, an essay by Ilija Trojanow, translated by Philip Boehm,
with photos by Christian Muhrbeck
The Crossing, a novel excerpt by Gabriella Ghermandi,
translated by Giovanna Bellesia-Contuzzi and
Victoria Offredi Poletto
Radio Street, from a memoir by Ibtisam Barakat
Europe in Patras, a story by Ersi Sotiropoulos,
translated by Evelyn Toynton
The Archeology of a Relationship: Journeying to
Italy with Roberto Rossellini,
an essay by Barbara Kellum
The Unlimiting Infinite, a poem by Marcello Fois,
translated by Alfonso Procaccini
Notes on Contributors
Volume Index
First Instrument, a poem by Thomas Devaney
Other people’s stories . . . ? Why do you want them?,
a story by Mark Jay Mirsky
Artifact Hotel, a poem by Ted Mathys
One from Begur, a story by Josep Pla,
translated by Peter Bush
Last Minutes, a poem by Raul Zurita,
translated by Ilan Stavans
Provincetown and The Drowned Man,
poems by Alison Hawthorne Deming
Zapata Vive, La Lucha Sigue, a story by James W. Foley
Douze: Opening Pages,
a novel excerpt by Myriam J.A. Chancy
Palisades, a story by Allison Kade
Collected Olive Pitts from the Diaries of Strangers,
four stories by Rafik Schami,
translated by Kristina Kalpaxis
from The Notion of Family,
photographs by Latoya Ruby Frazier
Insurgency, a poem by Sarah Holland-Batt
Like Victorian Women and Angel and I are
both great pretenders, poems by Natalie Scenters-Zapico
Because the world has its own version of solace,
a poem by Amy Dryansky
The Boyfriend Experience, a story by Ken Harvey
Wyoming, a poem by Christopher Howell
Rome, a story by Nicholas Montemarano
Changing Shirts in the Car, a poem by Evan Beaty
Other Adam, a poem by John James
To the Women I Secretly Want, a poem by Marc Tretin
Always Ruining, a story by Laura Willwerth
This is a Test of the System,
a story by Thomas Israel Hopkins
Passeri, a poem by Matthew Miniucci
The Translator, an essay by Efin Etkind,
translated by Jane Bugaeva
The Train, a poem by Tsvetanka Elenkova,
translated by Jonathan Dunne
Aubades 1-4, poems by L. M. Myers
The Boy Who Would Be Oloye,
a story by Maurice Carlos Ruffin
One of Us Us Sleeping and Days in the Summerhouse,
stories by Josefine Klougart, translated by Alexander Weinstein
Seventy, a poem by Doug Anderson
Notes on Contributors
Loud, a story by Elizabeth Denton
We Called Her Uteri, a story by Amy Collier
Spiritual Evaluation and Grief, poems by Taije Silverman
The Mother Liquor, a story by René Char,
translated by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Food Work, an essay by Siobhan Phillips
Milk, a story by Zaher Omareen,
translated by Alice Guthrie
Time Merchants, a story by Daniele del Giudice,
translated by Elizabeth Harris and Louise Rozier
Walk, a poem by Tim Seibles
The Vermin, a story by Amir Ahmadi Arian
Clemente's Overzealous Romp: Roberto Clemente
and Baseball as Theater, an essay by Martín Espada
Clearance, a story by Jason Mastaler
Lashing the Body from the Bones,
a poem by Lee Sharkey
You Who Read Me With Passion Now Must
Forever Be My Friends, art by Dorothy Iannone
On Dorothy Iannone, an essay by Trinie Dalton
The Resurrected Body, a poem by Nicholas Samaras
When Coleoptera and When Backlit, poems by Lisa Furmanski
"The Space Between": Rediscovering the Folly Cove
Designers, and essay by Jennifer Scanlon
Your Brother Will Be Born in the Spring,
a poem by Nick Narbutas
How to Cope with Risk, an essay by Gary L. McDowell
What to Do When You Are Alone in It,
a story by Christa Romanosky
Why Elizabeth Goes to Suzie, a poem by Jeri Chevalier
Advice, a poem by Kristin Latour
A Burglary on Quarry Lane,
a story by Ruvanee Pietersz Vilhauer
There Was No Transition, Only This,
a poem by Edward Mayes
Notes on Contributors
Kindness, a poem by Francisco Urondo,
translated by Julia Leverone
Conversations in the Realm of the Dead,
a story by Maria Stepanova, translated by Sibelan Forrester
Refugee, a poem by Arseny Tarkovsky,
translated by Philip Metres and Dmitri Psurtsev
(untitled), a poem by Aigerim Tazhi, translated by J. Kates
Not All There, a story by Eric Henry Sanders
The True Chronicle of the House of Bego, a story by Elvis Bego
Gray Noise, a story by Charles Swift
Why Things Fall: Galilei, Hawking, Rabinowitz,
a story byErin Stalcup
The Very Idea of a Bridge, a poem by Mira Rosenthal
from The Books of Jacob, a story by Olga Tokarczuk,
translated by Jennifer Croft
The Translational Life of Cities, an essay by Sherry Simon
With Knowledge of Fire and Medea, poems by Corey Thrasher
Notes for Angela, excerpt from In Your Name
by Mauro Covacich, translated by Christopher Tamigi
Fatih Akin’s Cinema of Hospitality, an essay by Donald Weber
Islands Adrift: Korean-Japanese Relations, National Identity,
and the Zainichi, an essay by Joohwan Kim
Pina, a poem by Benjamin Landry
Birds and War, a story by John Nelson
The Sheep Farmer Transmutes, a poem by Rachel Rinehart
The Joints That Hold Us Together, a story by Annie Lampman
From the Wind-Up Cathedral, a poem by Sarah Ann Winn
God’s Decree to Marc Concerning Why the Dusty Rose Bedroom
Walls Make Him Uneasy, a poem by Marc Tretin
Whose House, Whose Playroom, a poem by Virginia Smith Rice
No Cocktails in Kabul, a story byRobin Fasano
Hamas Commander in Brown Shoes, a story by Rivkie Fried
Trajectory to the Sun, a poem by Joanne Dominique Dwyer
I Am What I Was, a story by Ken Hanes
Spring Training, a story by Rebecca Thomas
On Weather, an essay by DeWitt Henry
Prayer, a poem by Bonita Penn
Notes on Contributors
For Jim Foley, October 18, 1973 – August 19, 2014,
a poem by Benjamin Balthaser
The Ghetto Bird (III), a poem by Esteban Ismael
Blue Handed,a play by Ah@d Ha’@m
Burnt Orange, a story by Robin Wyatt Dunn
Dead Horse Point, a story by Mylène Dressler
This stone, a poem by Emmanuel Merle,
translated by Jennifer Barber
Photographs, by Chuck Close
Selections from the exhibition at the UMCA
from Autisms, stories by Giacomo Sartori,
translated by Frederika Randall
Second Thoughts on a Winter Afternoon,
a poem by Chen Chen
Patience, an essay by Patricia Horvath
“I have only you in this world . . . ”,
selected letters of Gabriela Mistral,
translated by Velma García-Gorena
Butter Up, Morning Glory, a poem by Tiffany Higgins
Dumbass, a story by B. P. Greenbaum
When We Were Boys, a story by Eric Severn
A Dark Day of Justice, a story by Rodolfo Walsh,
translated by Cindy Schuster
Raw Unfiltered Honey, a poem by Anne Love Woodhull
Women’s Work: Feminist Art from the Smith
College Museum of Art Collection,
Selections from the exhibition
Dancing Among Schoolchildren,
an essay by Catherine Gunther Kodat
Midnight Mass, a poem by Katie Hartsock
But to Return Again to My Going Home,
a poem by Kay Cosgrove
The Little Hunchback, a story by Roberto Arlt,
translated by Sergio Waisman
Molting, a story by Marianne Colahan
(. . .), a poem by Anzhelina Polonskaya,
translated by Andrew Wachtel
The Private Life, a story by Robert Hamburger
Language the Fire in the Bog,
a poem by Martha Silano
Notes on Contributors
Volume Index
Speed of Light, a story by Paul Harding
An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of
Darkness, an essay by Chinua Achebe
Where one thing stands, another will stand beside it,
an essay by Johnnetta Betsch Cole
Chinua Achebe: The Ironies of History Dancing
with the Politics of Literature,
an essay by Ekwueme Michael Thelwell
Goodwill Message, an essay by Denja Abdullahi
Achebe’s Legacy, an essay by Jules Chametzky
The West’s Most Undervalued Friend,
an essay by Chidi Achebe
It is the Storyteller who makes us see what we are,
an essay by Caryl Phillips
My Encounters with Chinua Achebe, A Master
Storyteller, an essay by Okey Ndibe
A Tale of Two Books: A Forgotten Story and
Things Fall Apart, an essay by Chika Unigwe
Let no one be fooled. . ., an essay by
Chinelo Okparanta
The Extended Family and the Trojan Horse,
an essay by Chuma Nwokolo
Unheard-of Things, an essay by Maaza Mengiste
Africa in the New Century, an essay by
Achille Mbembe
* * *
Meditations, a story by Akil Kumarasamy
What He Saw, a poem by Amy Gordon
Photo and Photo and Photo, a poem by
Marianne Boruch
Charm, an essay by Marianne Boruch
That Difficulty Increases Desire, a poem
by Brandon Lewis
Descartes, His Daughter, and Her Dog,
a story by Lynda Sexson
The Palace of the Soul, a poem by Corrado
Govoni, translated by Paula Bohince
Grayfish, a poem by Kathleen Hellen
Asfixia, an essay by Caroline Beimford
Barcelona Bombing, 1937, a poem by
Nicholas Wong
The Storage Room, an essay by Marlene Olin
And the Temple of Doom Town, an essay
by Matt Salyer
St. Francis, a poem by Maxine Scates
Neither Here nor There: Remembering Seamus,
an essay by Shaun O’Connell
The Scent of Frangipani, a story by Nathan Go
Notes on Contributors
Cinco de Mayo, a poem by Alicia Ostriker
“The Lecture,” or How Poetry Can Save Your Life,
an essay by Hilene Flanzbaum
On Grief, an essay by Naira Kuzmich
from Da morte. Odes mínimas, poems by Hilda Hilst,
translated by Laura Cesarco Eglin
from Adua, a novel excerpt by Igiaba Scego,
translated by Frederika Randall
Bad Things, a poem by Hayan Charara
Amongst the Olive Groves of Mezra,
a story by Kenan Orhan
The Janissary, a story by Aatif Rashid
The Light, the Bridge, and the Fish,
a poem by Kathleen M. Kelley
Driftwood, a story by Elias Leake Quinn
One-Way Zebra, a story by Colin Fleming
What Size Is Yours, a poem by Robert Dow
Paintings, by Allison Schulnik
On the Immortality of the Soul, War and Peace,
and The Flame of an Idea, stories by Jorge Yglesias,
translated by Peter Bush
foretell the silent ridge of the tongue,
a poem by Alessandra Lynch
A Bit of a Thief, a story by Joel Fishbane
Dollmaker, Inventory, Child, a story by Erin Fortenberry
“You Two Are So Beautiful Together,”
an essay by Frances Park
A Kennedy in Each of Us, a poem by Gary Margolis
The Rodeo, a story by Genevieve Plunkett
from Leafmold, a poem by F. Daniel Rzicznek
The Commune, a story by Brion Dulac
Notes on Contributors
Amherst Stories, essays by Jules Chametzky
Singing Vegetables and Estranged, poems by Terese Svoboda
Immigrant Dreams: Eat Crow, a story by Marilyn Chin
Grackle, a poem by Meg Kearney
Honorary Englishman, a novel excerpt by Sabina Murray
The Dark Ages, a poem by Lauren Hilger
The King’s English, a poem by Brian Johnson
from Birthmark, a memoir by Stephen Clingman
Marek (1988), a memoir by Jonathan Dollimore
Duchamp and Zeus, Cyclops, Plato, Gaia . . . ,
poems by Michael Waters
Paintings, by Nina Chanel Abney
Letters from the Spanish Civil War, 1937–38,
by Joan Sales, translated by Peter Bush
Showing What Cannot Be Said: Total War and the
International Project of Modernist War Writing,
part two of an essay by Nil Santiáñez
Stories, Scandals, and Censorship: Telling the Story
of the Guantánamo Bay Detainee Library Facilities,
an essay by Muira McCammon
Balconies and How the hands, poems by Farhad Showghi,
translated by Harry Roddy
The Goncourt Brothers: Reflected in the
Magic Mirror of Japan, an essay by Laure Katsaros
Dr. Leopold Takes French, a story by Joann Kobin
Dear Kelly Bloom, a story by Christine Sneed
Visions, a poem by Mikko Harvey
Family Matter, a story by Alex Poppe
Portrait of José Clemente Orozco,
Doris Ulmann, New York City, 1929,
a poem by Lisa Beech Hartz
Notes on Contributors
from Here Be Sirens, an opera in one act by Kate Soper
Lips, a poem by Gerald Stern
What to Take, a poem by Barbara Ras
The Bugler Responds to Mary, a poem by Rebecca Foust
Bird Song, a poem by Tony Eprile
Without Night-Shoes, a poem by Jane Hirshfield
from Caetano Veloso, Walking into the Wind,
nonfiction by Igiaba Scego, translated by Frederika Randall
Mezzo, a poem by Tanya Grae
Muzak, a poem by Carol Potter
Loss, a poem by Roger Greenwald
Paul Robeson Sings America, nonfiction by Shana Redmond
from The Last Bohemian of Avenue A,
a poem by Yusef Komunyakaa
The Coming of John,
an essay by John H. Bracey Jr.
Things in the Form of a Prayer in the
Form of a Wail, an essay by Matt Donovan
The Blues: Where Love Ends Badly,
an essay by Gerald Williams
The Romantic Mode, a poem by Jen Jabaily-Blackburn
Then Elvis Drops to One Knee, a poem by David Kirby
Variable, a poem by Mary Peelen
from The Voice Imitator,
art by Anna Schuleit Haber and Yotam Haber
[untitled] and Marvin Gaye Sings the
National Anthem, 1983, poems by Bruce Smith
Desert Suite #5: Cactus Music,
a poem by Kimberly White
In their own time, a poem by Casey FitzSimons
National Anthem, a poem by Ilya Kaminsky
from Radio Imagination, a novel excerpt by Seiko Ito,
translated by Hart Larrabee
Cloud Hands, a poem by Arthur Sze
Randy Weston’s African Rhythms, the Day After,
a poem by Randall Horton
Found Music, a poem by T.J. McLemore
Ornithology, a poem by Peter Fiore
Goldberg Variations, a poem by Jim Whiteside
from The Scarlet Professor, a libretto by Harley Erdman
Charles Ives at the Spinet, a poem by Donald Revell
Music in the Kingdom of the Heart,
a poem by Laura McCullough
Dear Enya and Dear Sinéad, a poem by Abe Louise Young
Twilight on Kool Darkness, a poem by Bonita Lee Penn
Bassoon, a poem by Ken Waldman
from Perfect Pitch, nonfiction by Marcelo Cohen,
translated by Judith Filc
Silent Swan, a poetry comic by Bianca Stone,
with text by Ben Pease
Fantaisie Impromptu, nonfiction by Chen Li,
translated by Ting Wang
The Page Turner, a poem by Amanda Anastasi
The Fidelity of Music, a poem by Geffrey Davis
Trying to Write Music Poem, a poem by Diamond Forde
My Crying Towel, a poem by Laura Kasischke
Music from a Farther Room, a poem by Gary J. Whitehead
For a Fistful of Sitars, an essay by Gabriele Ferraris,
translated by Laurence de Richemont
Race Music and Interview with Berry Gordy,
poems by Meredith Nnoka
from This Side of the Sea, nonfiction by Gianmaria Testa,
translated by Jim Hicks
The Rolling Deep, a poem by Anne Marie Macari
Country Music II, a poem by Helen Wickes
Song of Eleven Consonants and Thirteen Vowels,
for G. Stein, a poem by Katie Farris
Poetic Art, a poem by Paul Verlaine,
translated by Laure-Anne Bosselaar
Mozart’s Magic Coach, a poem by Slavko Mihalić,
translated by Dasha C. Nisula
Mozart’s Starling, an essay by Leslie Stainton
The Tabla Player, a story by Farah Ahamed
Old Folks’ Singing and Utopia, an essay by Tim Eriksen
Crypto-Animist Introvert Activism,
a poem by Brenda Hillman
Writing the Life of the Concert Promoter,
an essay by Steve Waksman
Saved by Soul, an essay by Rashod Ollison
For Adrienne, an essay by Julia Conrad
The Persistence of Music, a poem by A. Molotkov
Notes on Contributors
Volume Index
Introduction, by Jim Hi
What the Tree Said and A River in Egypt, two poems by Chase Twichell
Why I Get Lost, an essay by Vince Granata
Silence, a poem by Gerald Stern
The Christian Girl, a story by Edie Meidav
Mennonite Forest, a story by Terese Svoboda
Blur, a poem by Doug Ramspeck
Igloo, a poem by Owen McLeod
Shipwreck with Painting, a story by Daniele Del Giudice, translation by Anne Milano Appel
Feed, a poem by Laura McCullough
The American Dream Writes to Orpheus, a poem by Cynthia Dewi Oka
COBRA, paintings by Jacqueline De Jong
Flourishing, a poem by Joy Ladin
Oranges, a story by David Zellnik
Of No Consequence, a poem by William Fargason
Runner, a story by Tom Cantwell
Deconstruct and Peanuts, two poems by Ruth Madievsky
Godsblood, a poem by Matthew Westbrook
Anna’s House, a story by Mhani Alaoui
Subject Subject, an essay by Ben Dolan
Zero Gravity, a poem by Peter Leight
This is Autumn, My Dear. Talking with Yunna Morits, an essay by Philip Metres
Nocturne, a poem by Adam Dressler
The Unprotected Females of the Women’s Rest Tour Association,
an essay by Jodie Noel Vinson
What They Were, a story by Jane Gillette
Music. At Elmwood Men’s Correctional Facility, a poem by Casey FitzSimons
Auroras, a poem by L.A. Johnson
Data Driven, a story by Jeannie Tseng
The Short Happy Life, a story by Steffan Hruby
paper cone, a poem by Ulrike Draesner, translation by Bernadette Geyer
Introduction, by Jim Hicks
No One and Syria’s Struggle to Sleep, a poem by Seif Eldeine
All I Know About Myself and Everybody Else, Lest I Forget,
an essay by Francesc Serés, translated by Peter Bush
Song over Song for My Father, a poem by Paul Nemser
In Case of Emergency, a poem by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
Nehru’s Relevance in India Today,
an essay by Shashi Tharoor
The Paper Pond, a story by Kalam Haidari,
translated by Syed Sarwar Hussain
The Lottery, a story by Atef Abu Saif,
translated by Alice Guthrie
Postcolonial Resentments, an essay by Tabish Khair
Harp Jazz, a poem by Taije Silverman
Meditation in the Key of an Exhale, a poem by Jared Harél
Flying Houses, photomontages by Laurent Chéhère
Now that Tomaž and Jim are Gone, Sleepers Awake,
and Unprotected, poems by Dean Young
Impossible Love, a story by Antonio Muñoz Molina,
translated by Claire Huttlinger
Lena Dunham Is Everywhere, a story by Eric Henry Sanders
The Little White Notice, a story by Alexandra Berková,
translated by Corine Tachtiris
Two Weeks at Most, a story by A. Medvedenko
Rainy Sun, a poem by Ilma Rakusa, translated by Francesca Bell
Baroni: A Journey, a novel excerpt from Sergio Chejfec,
translated by Margaret Carson
Glory, a novel excerpt by Giuseppe Berto,
translated by Gregory Conti
Parthenogenesis, a poem by Britton Shurley
Turn, Struggle, a story by Ahsan Butt
The Day of No Fire, a poem by George Kalamaras
[Redacted], a poem by Claire Schwartz
The Commitment of Rain, a poem by Stacie Leatherman
Blood Oranges, a poem by Daniel Lusk
Mwen menm ou menm, a poem by Félix Morisseau-Leroy,
with commentary by Danielle Legros Georges,
translated by Danielle Legros Georges with
Jean-Claude Martineau, David Brooks Andrews,
Mary Birnbaum, Ruby Poltorak, and Molly Lynn Watt
White Girl, a story by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
The Dancing Other, a novel excerpt by Suzanne Dracius,
translated by Nancy Naomi Carlson and
Catherine Maigret Kellogg
Love & Hypothermia, a poem by Laura Paul Watson