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August 2023 Contributor Publications

Bob Hicok's Water Look Away has been published with Copper Canyon Press. Hicok was our 2007 Anne Halley Poetry Prize winner and has been published multiple times in MR, most recently in Volume 59, Issue 2.








Sally Wen Mao The Kingdom of Surfaces is out now with Graywolf Press. A portfolio of her poems was featured in our Asian American Literature: Rethinking the Canon back in 2018.









LET’S GO LET’S GO LET’S GO, the debut story collection from Cleo Qian is out now from Tin House Books. Qian's hybrid piece, "Common Time," was published in the current issue.









Interlink Publishing just released Tabish Khair's latest book, Namaste Trump, a story collection whose titular story was featured in MR's Spring 2023.










If you’re a past contributor to MR and have an upcoming book, please email us at



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