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2018 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize

- By Mass Review

The 2018 winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Katie Farris for her poem, "The Lords of Time," published in Volume 58, Issue 4.

Katie Farris is the author of Thirteen Intimacies, forthcoming from Fivehundred Places, and boysgirls. She has cotranslated several books of poetry from French, Chinese, and Russian. Her work has appeared in anthologies and Virginia Quarterly Review, Verse, Western Humanities Review, and Massachusetts Review. She is an associate professor in the MFA program at San Diego State University.

Earlier this year, we asked Katie 10 QUESTIONS about her...


2017 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize

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The 2017 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Gary J. Whitehead, for his poem, "Music from a Farther Room," published in Volume 57, Issue 4.

Gary J. Whitehead is a poet, teacher, and crossword constructor. His third collection of poems, A Glossary of Chickens, was published by Princeton University Press in 2013. His previous books include Measuring Cubits while the Thunder Claps and The Velocity of Dust. He has also authored three chapbooks of poetry, two of which were winners of national competitions. His writing awards include, among others, a New York Foundation for the...


2016 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize

- By Mass Review

The 2016 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Taije Silverman, for her poem, "Spiritual Evaluation," published in Volume 56, Issue 2.

Taije Silverman is the author of the collection Houses Are Fields, and her poems have been published Poetry, the Harvard Review, Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, and AGNI. She received the 2010-11 W.K. Rose Fellowship from Vassar College, and has had residencies at the MacDowell Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. In 2010, she was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Bologna. Her...


2015 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize

- By Mass Review

The 2015 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Sarah Sousa, for her poem, "Her Moods Caused Owls," published in Volume 55, Issue 3.

Sarah Sousa’s first collection, Church of Needles, won the 2013 Red Mountain Prize and was published by Red Mountain Press in 2014. Her second collection, Split the Crow, was published January 2015 by Free Verse Editions, an imprint of Parlor Press. She is the editor and transcriber of The Diary of Esther Small, 1886 (Small Batch Books), which won the New England Book Festival award for Regional Literature. Sousa holds an MFA in poetry and literature from Bennington College. Her poetry has...


2014 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize

- By Mass Review

The 2014 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Geffrey Davis, for his poem, "What I Mean When I Say Farmhouse," published in Volume 54, Issue 3.

Geffrey Davis’s debut collection, Revising the Storm, was selected by Dorianne Laux for the 2013 A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize, and will be published by BOA Editions in April 2014. Part of his work as a literary citizen involves promoting the poetry of others. To this end, he co-created and co-edits the online journal Toe Good Poetry. Davis holds degrees from Oregon State University and Penn State University. His awards include the Dogwood Prize in Poetry, the Wabash Prize for Poetry, the...

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